Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where is Winter?

Not to make anyone jealous in other parts of the country but we have had the nicest weather here in Denver! Yesterday and today we had a picnic at the park and played for a few hours. It is hard to believe it is January when you are playing at the park in short sleeves. But I am not complaining! I am sure winter will show it's face again soon.


Solomon and Lyndsie said...

SO JEALOUS!!! We can't even go outside because the air is so bad. Enjoy it while you can!:)

Brad said...

You guys deserve a break with winter after dealing with the Ohio/Michigan winters for 3 years!!

I just hope I get that break one year... eventually...

Christy said...

don't you love it? we just went to the park this morning and it was in the 70s. i'm glad you got a break from the snow.

call me anytime! i'm pretty much always available. :) and thanks for the bread recipe, i'll totally have to try it!

Breanne said...

Lucky! Our air has been so bad! I can scarcly take the kids out with out kicking up an asthma attack! We are suppose to get a good snow storm to blow it all out this week end I sure hope so! I am glad you get some decent weather to enjoy!

Lenice said...

Yea, yea rub it in. Enjoy!!

Mike and Tanya said...

How nice!!! I wish! It has been below zero around here these days, this is by far the coldest winter we've had since being here! Miss you!